Specialists in detecting water leaks - We are Melbourne based

The Damp Inspector

All about leak detection

We can inspect for and locate water leaks under tiles, behind walls and below ground

Generally speaking, the task of locating water leaks can be divided up into several parts: water (pressurised) inlet systems; water exit (drainage) systems; leak points through tiles and grout; leaking or non existent waterroofing membranes. In order to distinguish between all the different types of leak points in any dwelling, you must have the appropriate equipment to undertake the task of identifying the leak points. Once the leak points have been detected, they can be resolved.

1. Pressurised system - There are several different ways of detecting leaks from pressurised water pipes even if the pipes are not visible. This involves searching for specific leaks from the water pressurised system to eliminate the water inlet system as the issue. The procedure to identify any leaks from the pressurised system is as follows: visual inspection, moisture detection inpection metre for surfaces, thermal imaging cameras, intrusive inspection cameras, leak detection equipment which utilises the latest ultrasonic methods. This water leak detection system allows the user to eliminate various parts of the sound spectrum to identify water leaks and to assist in pinpointing their location with greater accuracy This process can determine if the pressurised water system or the drainage system is not leaking, thereby eliminating the water system as a cause of the issues. Often, there can be unidentified leaks from pressurised pipes within the wet areas of the property.

2. Water exit points - There can also be leaks from drainage or exhaust points from wet areas and these need to be identified as well, in the event there is a problem with water within the dwelling. Using a mixture of thermal imaging cameras, moisture detectors and flood tests (for water outlets) we can locate any water issues you may have that can undermine the integrity of the building.
Once we identify the leaks - if any - or the lack of leaks, this information can be used to determine or pinpoint the exact cause of the moisture or water issues you may have. Often the investigation is as much about identifying the lack of leaks than it is about finding leaks.

3. Tile and grout/waterproof membrane leaks - Leaks from tiles and grout are typically identified visually, or via a flood test. This involves filling up the shower recess or flooding the impacted area to determine if there are any leaks. Click to call us HERE . John can be contacted directly on 0409 191 209 or via email.

Balcony water leaks are very common

• Grout displacement and erosion can commonly cause water to leak under the tiles. If the waterproofing membrane beneath the tiles has failed, then water may exit the bathroom..

Professional leak detection equipment can detect leak behind walls

• The resultant damage to the ceiling beneath the bathroom (if any) can be extreme.

Properly prepared balconies do not leak.

Damp Inspections : Detecting water leaks or eliminating water leakage throughout Victoria

Drones and Inspection Cameras can identify issues with roofs and gutters, downpipes etc

Drones: We use drones to investigate roof and gutters, and to check the integrity of the coping or flashing on party walls of older terrace homes.
Thermal Imaging Inspection cameras: Thermal imaging cameras work by detecting temperature differentials. Our advanced inspection cameras are capable of investigating water exit points to determine if there are any blockages or leaks emanating from tiled floors and walls, behind plaster walls and ceilings and shower or bath waste outlets. Thermal imaging cameras can detect water issues in cupboards, around windows, behind toilets, etc.

Professional leak detection equipment can detect water leaks behind walls. Professional leak detection equipment can detect water leaks behind walls. • Professional inspection cameras can identify leak points in subfloor voids, in drains etc.

We have the most professional and sophisticated testing equipment available which is required to identify water and dampness in any property. Inspection camera, moisture detectors, thermal imaging cameras.